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about me 

DETROIT BASED Interior Designer and former Art Direction student

I'm into Harmony Korine, 70's Italian design, pre-colombian and brutalist architecture, ​utilitarian clothing, hand crafts, humanities arts, lego star wars wii, graphics and environmental art, found/modded furniture, minecraft, 112th scale models, nasty paleoanthropology, horrifying projections of technology and carbon, but music is my nearest & dearest.

I have a consilient approach in terms of my affinity in the range of technologies and mediums I am constantly working to develop and in my broad spectrum of perspective from realist pragmatism to deeply empathetic and sensitive calibration of human behavior, emotion, and physiology. My ideal output in the design world would be to contribute to the synthesization of culture and science into projects that progress and perhaps introduce fundamental changes to the way people communicate, empathize, consume, and problem solve. 

Link !


c:     248.924.8576

s:     @nataliemolnar



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